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Showing posts from 2021

Register an app with Azure Active Directory

This article will guide you on how to register an application with Azure Active Directory. Once the application has been registered you can use it on OAuth authentication for your various applications. Navigate to your azure portal → Azure Active Directory → App registrations → New registration Provide appropriate name → Register Once the registration has completed you will be able to access the Application (client) ID we will use it later to create Application Use in Dynamics 365 Navigate to Certificate & secretes→ New Client Secret Make sure to store somewhere safe The Secret ID Value Navigate to API Permission → Add a permission Select Dynamics CRM Click Add permissions Create Application User Navigate to Advance Settings→ Security → Users→ New User Make sure to change the form to “Application User” Enter Application ID that we created earlier and Save All the necessary informati...

Power Platform Tool for Visual Studio 2019/2022

 Power Platform Tool for Visual Studio 2019/2022 We have a new Visual Studio Extension Power Platform Tool.  Creation and deployment of Plugins, Custom Workflows and WebResources is going to be easy and time saving.  This article is going to focus on how to connect to your environment and create your Visual Studio Solution. In a subsequent article I will try to cover on how to Create and deploy your components to your environment. Installation is straight forward go to      Tools→ Manage Extensions→ Search for Power Platform Tools     You will Need Visual Studio 2019 or later version     Subsciption to Pawer App/Dataverse or trial       .Net Framework 4.6.2 Now we will go over how to create a Project and connect it to your Environment Open Visual Studio 2019 →New Project Search for Power Platform Solution Template Add Project Name and Location → Create Click on Start from Dataverse to con...

Synchronous Power Automate Flow Error Handling

Synchronous Power Automate Flow Error Handling In the previous article we walked through a scenario how to call a Power Automate Flow Synchronously. In this article we are going to discuss how we can notify the Web Hook when Power Automate Flow errors out or success  At the end of my Flow I have introduced a parallel branch and Configure the left branch to execute has failed has timed out  Once the flow errors the left branch is going to execute, we will execute a Response with Status code 400. when the flows errors out on save you are going to get the following error The error indicates that the webhook has error out, it enough for you to understand that the flow has errored out.

Synchronous Power Automate Flow

Synchronous Power Automate Flow   As we all know Power automate flow is an asynchronous execution mode. There is the question though can we execute Power Automate Flow Synchronously? The answer is yes. It will need a little bit of reworking and thinking. The idea is to create a Flow that we can control when to trigger it. What if we create a Web Hook and trigger the Synchronously. I have created a sample Power Automate Flow for this experimentation Create a Flow with HTTP Request Action Once you have saved the flow Copy the URL Open Plugin Registration Tool Register New Web Hook Register a new Step, I want this to execute on update of Account Entity on change of Description fiel Happy Coding 

Power Automate Flow and Environmental Variables

  Power Automate Flow and Environmental Variables On my last blog I have shown you how to create an Environmental Variable in Dynamics 365 Solution. Now for the second part we are going to focus on how to consume or use the environmental variable in a Power Automate Flow. As you can see in the following image the environment variable will be accessible through the dynamic content, bare in mind you will be able to see the appropriate Environmental variable based the field data type you have selected. In this example we are creating a Task with Subject and Description populated by the Environmental Variables I hope this was helpful on how to use Environmental Variable inside a Power Automate flow, you can addopt this to your specific use case.

Dynamics 365 Environmental Variable

   Dynamics 365 Environmental Variable This is one of the exiting features that I came across, it can simplify designs and architectures in Dynamics 365 CE. I am sure most of you have created custom entities to hold your configuration key values. and wished there was a better way to handle environmental configurations. Now we can take advantage of Environmental Variables to accomplish this: Environmental variables can be moved through solution They can be used in your Power Automate Flows In Plugins or JavaScript I will leave it to your imagination where you can use Environmental Variables based on  your Use Cases. To simplify things I will show you how to create Environmental Variables and the various Data Type Options available. Open an existing or a new solution in You have the following Data Types available for you: Decimal number {}JSON Text Yes/No Data Source  In upcoming blogs I w...

Microsoft Power Platform Build Tools for Azure DevOps Part 2

  Microsoft Power Platform Build Tools for Azure DevOps Part 2 Create a Release to Import your solution to various environments This is part II of Microsoft Power Platform Build Tool for Azure DevOps, in this article we are going to focus on how to create a release to deploy our solutions stored in our repository to various environments. Create a new release Click “ Empty Job ” Name your Stage “ Deploy To Test ” you can name your stage anything it suits you, based on your naming standards Here you have to assign the Stage Owner as well. In the following steps we are going to define: Artifacts , in our case is going to be our Git environment where we are storing our unpacked solution Stages , deployment to various environments we can create subsequent stages if one follows the other Pre-deployment conditions Post-deployment conditions Artifacts Project:- Select your Project Source(repository):- your repository ...

Microsoft Power Platform Build Tools for Azure DevOps Part 1

  I am going to write two articles 1 st one will be how to use DevOps Pipeline to Export your solution and add it to Code Repository 2 nd one will be how to Create a Release to Import your solution to various environments As a per-requisite for this article its a good idea to familiarize yourself the various parts of DevOps, you will have a more successful implementation if you have a good knowledge of what DevOps: Repos Pipeline Pipeline Environments Releases Library Task groups Deployment groups </> XAML are. For this article we are going to focus more on how to Create a Pipeline, being familiar with PowerShell Script will be helpful as well. The following documentation from Microsoft is a good reference To start with Create a Folder under your Repository, in my case I called the folder “D365_Solutions” New Pipeline Select “Use the classic ed...

Power Fx Dynamics 365 Ribbon Editing

We have been relying on Ribbon workbench to add or edit Buttons to Dynamics 365 and I have to admit it has been one of my favorite tool. Now we have a new tool provided by Microsoft, this is still on Preview mode, here I will be covering how to try the new functionality. To access the preview please navigate to the following URL For this sample I have created a Solution that contains a model-driven app. Select your model-driven app in Power Apps and click on the …   and Click on Edit in Preview Here you will be able to Edit your Model Driven App, navigate to the entity you would like to Add or Edit ribbon, click on the … and click on Edit Command bar (preview) Here we have the ability on which of the following we would like to edit the ribbon Main gird Main form Sub view Associated view For this exercise we will select Main form One thing to be mindful, we can not edit out of the box buttons yet, I am sure Microsoft will provide an...

Add a custom app module to the Field Service (Dynamics 365) mobile app

  After trying Add a custom app module to the Field Service (Dynamics 365) mobile app | Microsoft Docs and failing multiple times, with error message of bad XML, I starter getting curious.  So here is my solution Create a solution and include your Model Driven App Export solution and Extract customization.xml file Locate the <AppModule> node  Add the following Xml <appsettings> <appsetting uniquename="{name of your App with prefix}_ChannelAvailability"> <value>{name of your App}</value> <iscustomizable>1</iscustomizable> <displayname default="App channel availability"> <label description="App channel availability" languagecode="1033" /> </displayname> <description default="Default Description."> <label description="Description." languagecode="1033" /> </description> <settingdefinitionid> <un...

Azure DevOps Fork Repos between two Organization

  Azure DevOps Fork Repos between two Organization This weekend I embarked on a topic a bit foreign to myself, on the surface seemed a bit simple. The idea is to fork my Azure DevOps Repo to a different organization and push changes between them. Bad news DevOps doesn’t allow to fork Repos to a different organization, you have only the capability to fork to a different Projects within the same Organization. I’m pretty much sure there are so many other ways to solve this issue, but this is the one that I found to be easy to implement. Import Repo to the new Organization Remember here you have to generate a personal token to be able to import the Repo you have to be a member of the new organization as well This might take a few minutes depending on the size of your project, once its complete you will receive a confirmation email, or just refresh it after few minutes So far all looks good, you can clone the solution in your new Organizati...