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Microsoft Power Platform Build Tools for Azure DevOps Part 1


I am going to write two articles

1st one will be how to use DevOps Pipeline to Export your solution and add it to Code Repository

2nd one will be how to Create a Release to Import your solution to various environments

As a per-requisite for this article its a good idea to familiarize yourself the various parts of DevOps, you will have a more successful implementation if you have a good knowledge of what DevOps:

  1. Repos

  2. Pipeline

    1. Pipeline

    2. Environments

    3. Releases

    4. Library

    5. Task groups

    6. Deployment groups

    7. </> XAML are.

For this article we are going to focus more on how to Create a Pipeline, being familiar with PowerShell Script will be helpful as well.

The following documentation from Microsoft is a good reference

To start with Create a Folder under your Repository, in my case I called the folder “D365_Solutions”

New Pipeline

Select “Use the classic editor”

Click “Continue

Click “Enpty Job

We just Created a Pipeline now what is left is

  1. PowerShell Script to read solution Name

  2. Use Power Platform Tool to:

    1. Publish Customization

    2. Increase Version

    3. Export Solutions

    4. Run Solution Checker

    5. Unpack the Solutions

  3. Use Command Line to Check in our Solution to the code Repository

I used a global variable under Library to store the solution Name, you can decide to store it as local variable.



$date=$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd')

Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=CurrentDate]$date"

Write-Host "BuildConfiguration is $(ManagedSolName)"

Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=SolutionName]$(ManagedSolName)"

As you can see you do not need that much knowledge of PowerShell the code is pretty much straight forward and simple

Power Platform Publish Customization

Here you have to make sure to Create your enviroments, you have two ways to do it

  1. Username/password (no MFA support)

  2. Service Principal/client secret (supports MFA)

I have chosen the second one “Service Pricipal/client secrete” I am sure you know how create Application user for your authentication

Power Platform Set Solution Version

Power Platform Export Solution

One note I am exporting the solution as Managed, you have an option to work on as unmanaged too which is not ideal to deploy to upper environments like TEST, UT, PROD

Power Platform Checker

Power Platform Unpack Solution

Command Line Check in Solution to Repository


  1. Got the error from below when running the pipeline step Command Line Check in Solution to Repository, any thoughs?

    Starting: Command Line Script
    Task : Command line
    Description : Run a command line script using Bash on Linux and macOS and cmd.exe on Windows
    Version : 2.182.0
    Author : Microsoft Corporation
    Help :
    Generating script.
    ========================== Starting Command Output ===========================
    "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /D /E:ON /V:OFF /S /C "CALL "D:\a\_temp\4fd645ad-ec07-4b1d-8127-cab5a952299f.cmd""
    commit all changes
    error: pathspec 'master' did not match any file(s) known to git
    fatal: pathspec '—' did not match any files
    error: pathspec 'export”' did not match any file(s) known to git
    push code to new repo
    git: 'bearer' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
    ##[error]Cmd.exe exited with code '1'.
    Finishing: Command Line Script

    1. I think the issue is with the path of your git repository,
      make sure you have master branch under your git repository,
      uder your master branch D365_Solutions folder in you replicating the sample I have provided.


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