How to call Dynamics 365
Action from Logic App.
You might have
stumbled in a scenario where you have an Action in Dynamics 365 and
you want to trigger it from a Logic App.
As you know the
Dynamic 365 Connector has good features, but it does not have the
ability to call an Action at least as far as I know.
You can solve this
by leveraging the HTTP call in logic App, to have a better
understanding you can read on the following article
So the idea is to
create a Rest API call that triggers the Dynamics 365 Action.
- Generate your REST API call
- You can use CRM REST Builder
- In general though this is the generic path to call an action {{clientUrl}}/api/data/v9.1/{{Entity Name}}({{Record Guid}})/Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.{{Unique Name of Action}}
- Get the following information for Active Directory OAuth authentication
- Tenant ID
- Audience which is the Client URL
- Client ID
- Secrete Key
Once you have these
information you just have to create an HTTP Action you can refer the
following Image
Happy Coding :)
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