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Showing posts from November, 2021

Power Automate Flow and Environmental Variables

  Power Automate Flow and Environmental Variables On my last blog I have shown you how to create an Environmental Variable in Dynamics 365 Solution. Now for the second part we are going to focus on how to consume or use the environmental variable in a Power Automate Flow. As you can see in the following image the environment variable will be accessible through the dynamic content, bare in mind you will be able to see the appropriate Environmental variable based the field data type you have selected. In this example we are creating a Task with Subject and Description populated by the Environmental Variables I hope this was helpful on how to use Environmental Variable inside a Power Automate flow, you can addopt this to your specific use case.

Dynamics 365 Environmental Variable

   Dynamics 365 Environmental Variable This is one of the exiting features that I came across, it can simplify designs and architectures in Dynamics 365 CE. I am sure most of you have created custom entities to hold your configuration key values. and wished there was a better way to handle environmental configurations. Now we can take advantage of Environmental Variables to accomplish this: Environmental variables can be moved through solution They can be used in your Power Automate Flows In Plugins or JavaScript I will leave it to your imagination where you can use Environmental Variables based on  your Use Cases. To simplify things I will show you how to create Environmental Variables and the various Data Type Options available. Open an existing or a new solution in You have the following Data Types available for you: Decimal number {}JSON Text Yes/No Data Source  In upcoming blogs I w...